A Day In The Life of A Pisces: Lauren Rubin

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By Lauren Rubin –


Being a Pisces can be splendid sometimes: we’re intuitive, fantastical, spiritual creatures with unbelievably vivid imaginations and a proclivity towards creative expression. To be honest, I think we’re magnets for magic. On the flipside, the Pisces mind is characterized by intense mood swings and deep (like, scary deep emotions). Side effects like brain fog and lethargy are common symptoms of our general overwhelm with the world, and we tend to crave alone time and mental escape. Instead of facing the harsh realities of life, chances are your favorite Pisces is probably obsessively romanticizing things or stuck in a far off daydream…

Some quick Pisces qualities:

  • Romantic
  • Strong imagination
  • Victim mentality
  • Escapist
  • Compassionate
  • Fear of rejection
  • Highly emotional
  • Spiritual/Intuitive
  • Sensitive
  • Creative
  • Empathetic

What follows is an average day in my life when my Pisces qualities are out to play.


6:15 am – Dream of rolling around in soft, gauzy sheets with my ex-lover while in the belly of whale. (What?) Dream gets rudely interrupted by my screeching alarm. I break a world record for fastest tap of the ‘snooze’ button so I can return to my weird whale organ sex dream.

Bed with white sheets

6:45 am – Fourth alarm. Miraculously extricate myself from bed this time and force myself to say three things I’m grateful for. I do this every morning.

  1. Good health.
  2. Watercolors.
  3. Sleep.


7:15 am – Blend up an oat milk matcha latte and make avocado toast. I’ve been vegetarian for more than 10 years because the idea of factory farming physically hurts my soul. Spend 20 minutes looking at the #CowsOfInstagram hashtag while eating breakfast. Think about moving to a farm.

Matcha green tea

  • My matcha recipe: Mix together 1 tsp matcha, 8 oz oat milk, 1 tsp peppermint extract, and a generous shake of Ceylon cinnamon to a blender. Blitz on high, pour over ice, and enjoy!


8:10 am – Listen to a Modern Love podcast on the way to work and I’m devastated by the not-so-happy ending. Blast Elliott Smith in the car like a moody thirteen-year-old and cry while sitting in traffic.


8:25 am – Drive past a boba shop where I last saw my ex. Should I text my ex? I should totally text my ex. 

iPhone on wooden counter

9:40 am – Spend way too long crafting a clever suggestion in my head to throw out during a brainstorm at work. No one likes the idea. The crushing weight of rejection consumes me for the next 20 minutes. 


10:40 am – Get bored. Google ayahuasca retreats.


11:30 am – Look out the window and see an old couple crossing the street holding hands. Accidentally start crying. Head to the bathroom to fix my smudged mascara. (I have a soft spot for old people and enduring romance.)


12:10 pm – Head to the salad bar to make myself lunch. Add a scoop of tuna to my bowl and suddenly wonder if fish are sentient beings. (Short answer: yes). Spend the next half hour wondering if my karmic load is increasing.


1:20 pm – Lauren?” I’m on a client call and clearly need to answer something, but I’ve been daydreaming about my wedding in Cabo San Lucas to the cute tall guy I saw in the elevator this morning. “Uh sorry, can you repeat the question?

Resort in Cabo San Lucas

2:10 pm – Think about learning Japanese. Download Duolingo but get too overwhelmed by the prospect to even start. 


3:00 pm – My coworker points out a small typo I made on a client deck. I don’t like his tone, and I immediately feel wounded. Bite my tongue and pinch my thigh to keep from crying.


3:40 pm – Get bored. Google Haitian zombies.  


4:25 pm – Step outside to call a panicked friend who hasn’t heard from her Tinder match in three days. Why do Pisces always play therapist?


6:00 pm – A friend texts asking if I want to meet for drinks later. I lie and say I’m not feeling well. In reality, I have hot plans with my bath tonight.


6:25 pm – Stop at Whole Foods after work and wait in a ridiculously long line. Realize I left my wallet at home and start heavily sobbing at the register, much to the discomfort of everyone around me. This marks my third time crying today. I’m surprised my body hasn’t run out of salt water yet.


6:50 pm – Wonder how my second-grade crush is doing. Try to look him up on Facebook.


6:55 pm – Wonder how my fifth grade crush is doing. Try to look him up on Facebook.


7:10 pm – Curl up on the couch at home, turn off my phone, and watch Netflix for two straight hours. Think about never turning my phone on again.


9:15 pm – Draw myself a bath. Add enough ingredients that it basically becomes a witch’s self-care cauldron: Epsom salts, my favorite lavender CBD bath bomb, and some foaming bubbles made with shea butter. Light Palo Santo, bring some crystals in the tub, and listen to a podcast about moon signs.

bath tub faucet


10:45 pm – Lay in bed with the intention of journaling. Get overwhelmed and look at baby hedgehogs on YouTube. Try to manifest a new job. Think about texting my ex again.


11:20 pm – Fantasize about running away without telling anyone, changing my name to Juliet, and selling my alcohol ink paintings to fund a villa in a lemon grove in Sicily.


11:50 pm –Fall asleep listening to a sleep hypnosis track for meeting your spirit guides. I have yet to meet one.


Lauren Rubin


Cover image courtesy of Lauren Rubin

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